If you are looking for an experienced CNC machine shop specialized and focused on precision and ultra precision CNC machining, AC Manufacturing has the capabilities and two decade experience you need to get your orders cut and delivered on time and in budget. We offer superior quality precision machined parts at competitive prices as well as reliable, on-time deliveries and personalized customer service. Our machinists possess the expertise and knowledge to machine precisely and directly from any solid model you supply, and our machine shop houses modern 5-axis equipment for precision machining parts. AC Manufacturing’s challenge and goal is to produce the most difficult to make prototypes.
We provide Turning and Milling, 3 axis , 3+2 axis & continuous 5 axis CNC machining.
We accept both small and large run jobs, Minimum quantity for order is 1.
SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor HSM
We extensively use SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor HSM modeling software, an investment made in direct support of customers’ evolving requirements resulted in more 5 axis projects and better adaptations to our clients’ precision machining needs.
We are seeing an increased frequency of customers desiring to export solid model files directly to use for both quoting and production. Model files are effective in conjunction with our MasterCAM programming, allowing for efficient code management at our 5 axis CNC mills and lathes as well as conversion to drawing files for manual programming of complex CNC machining projects.
Here you can find samples of our parts. Take a look to check out our CNC capabilities. We are comfortable working with all kinds of materials including copper, tungsten, alumininum, titanium, Kovar, Invar,ceramics, brass, inconel, hastelloy, stainless steel, vespel, turcite, phenolic, G10 and other kinds of plastics, ferrous and nonferrous or exotic materials. From prototypes to high volume production runs, producing high quality, precision manufactured products is our hallmark.
We strive to be the premier precision 5 axis cnc machine shop in Bay Area, California, producing quality products that will not fail and meet all requirments when put to work.
Quality Precision Machining
Quality precision machining requires the ability to follow extremely specific blueprints made by CAD (computer aided design) or CAM (computer aided manufacturing) programs like Autodesk Inventor HSM and SolidCAM. The software can help produce the complex, 3-dimensional diagrams or outlines needed in order to manufacturer a tool, machine or object. These blueprints must be adhered to with great detail to ensure that a product retains its integrity.
Like many precision cnc machining companies to machine metals and plastics AC Manufacturing uses the highest quality of software offering CAD design and CAM programming. Typical turnaround times for custom components are 2 weeks, with rush options. Go back to our cnc machine shop webpage to find out more.
Here you can find out simpler parts machined mostly on our 3 axis cnc machines (lathes and mills).

5052 Aluminum

Black Anodized Aluminum Part